Sunday, July 17, 2016

friday afternoon suicide | 00:15 | No Dialogue

friday afternoon suicide from Ali Azhari on Vimeo.

from my Instagram short films

A young man commits suicide on a Friday afternoon.

My Thoughts
friday afternoon suicide is grainy and presented in black and white. This aids in making the video creepy. The video is only fifteen seconds long, but the video was done well enough that I wanted to know more. What was going on that would cause the young man to commit suicide?

The ending is a bit confusing. A person is walking down the street. It looks like the person stops when he or she hears the gunshot. Is the person a stranger who was just walking by? Is it someone who lives in the same place the young man did? I got chills thinking about the possibility the person could be someone who lives with the young man, and they came home at the same moment he committed suicide. I can't imagine having to go through that. I hope whoever was walking by did call the police or for medical help.

To watch more of Ali Azhari's videos, check out:
Ali Azhari Vimeo

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