Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Blair Witch (2016) Trailer | 2:01 | English

James (James Allen McCune), the younger brother of Heather Donahue (Heather Donahue), views a recently discovered tape from the doomed trip taken by his sister and her friends, Josh (Joshua Leonard) and Mike (Michael Williams). After viewing the tape, James decides it's time to find his long missing sister. He and his friends travel to rural Burkittsville, Maryland, in order to retrace the steps Heather's team took while in the Black Hills Forest. The group's investigations slowly lead them to a disturbing realization: Something truly evil had stalked and terrorized Heather and her friends, and now it's after them.

My Thoughts
When I first heard of Blair Witch, which was originally titled The Woods, I thought it was going to be a reboot of The Blair Witch Project. I was quite surprised to learn it was an actual sequel instead of the more common reboot and prequel movies.

Blair Witch appears to be one of those movies that could be really good or really bad. The movie looks like it will heavily rely on the overused horror trope of college kids who die because they make stupid decisions. Yes, I know, who wasn't a stupid college kid who made stupid decisions? The movie looks like it could be good because we might finally find out more about how the disappearance of Heather, Josh, and Mike affected their families. If this sequel hadn't focused on that, I would have found it strange that none of the original characters' family members cared enough to figure out what happened to them. However, the trailer makes it look like James and his friends really didn't come prepared to search for missing people. They seemed more prepared for a camping trip and the search for missing people was just a side thought for the characters.

Blair Witch is scheduled for release on September 16, 2016.

To learn more about Blair Witch, check out:
Official Website

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