Thursday, September 8, 2016

Attic Panic | 3:00 | No Dialogue

Attic Panic - Short horror film from David F. Sandberg on Vimeo.

A short horror film in a new part of our house - the attic!
Behind the scenes:
More short horror:

After putting items in her storage unit in the attic, a woman (Lotta Losten) plans on going back downstairs. The door leading out of the attic is locked. The woman bumps the door with her shoulder and it still won't budge. The woman hears a noise and turns around. She sees a humanoid figure under a white sheet David F. Sandberg. The figure walks towards her. The light bulbs slowly unscrew themselves and fall to the ground. The woman locks herself in her storage unit. However, that doesn't mean she's safe from the figure.

My Thoughts
Attic Panic is quite creepy because when the movie starts, the figure could just be a person under a sheet. We don't find out it's something supernatural until the woman pulls the sheet off. Perhaps the entity is a poltergeist since it could affect lightbulbs and hide under a sheet.

When the woman pulled the sheet off, and no one was there, for a moment I thought, "Wait, what?" When the sheet began moving again, and "reanimated" as the ghost, I began wondered if the entity was using the sheet to scare the woman, or if it could be trapped under the blanket. I'm leaning towards the ghost using the sheet to scare the woman. I don't see any evidence of a magical binding. I suspect there would be some kind of banishing-related markings on the sheet to keep the entity under it.

Using the sheet would be a good way for the entity to scare people. Most people would simply think it's a person wearing the sheet in order to get a laugh. When they realized it's not a person, it would be too late. It kind of implies the entity has been around humans long enough to know cultural things, such as white bed sheets look like ghosts.

To find out more about Attic Panic, check out:

To find out more about David F. Sandberg, check out:
David's Website

To find out more about Lotta Losten, check out:
Lotta's Website
Lotta's Etsy
Facebook for Lotta's jewelry

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