Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Candle Cove Portraits | TV Series | English

Check out these drawings of the Candle Cove characters. I'm talking about the characters from the kids show with the TV show Channel Zero. There's a retro feel to the pictures. The art is unsettling. I think some of them are more unsettling than than the others because some of the characters remind me of characters from other media. The skeleton obviously reminds me of Skeletor from the kid's show He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. (Side Note: Have you seen Pioneers Press' Skeletor's Guide to Self-Care or the Skeletor's Guide to Self-Care (expanded, and includes awesome extras)?) There's one picture that has the caption, "In the dreams he has a different name." For some reason, whenever I look at that one, it remind me of Slenderman. Probably because of the entity's blank face and dark clothing. The entity in the picture with the caption, "Want to see something cool?" reminds me of the Lorax.

The season 1 finale will air November 15, 2016.

For more information about Channel Zero, check out:
Official Website

For more information about Syfy, check out:
Syfy Official Website

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