Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Orloc and the Twilight | Short Film | KickStarter

Orloc and the Twilight Goblins follows Orloc, a 150-year-old vampire, as he runs from a crossbow-toting, trigger-happy vampire hunter. As he scrambles for a place to hide, Orloc accidentally crashes the auditions for a glam rock band, the titular Twilight Goblins.

Orloc and the Twilight Goblins is an upcoming horror comedy short film created by film student Charlie Carter.

The Orloc from Charlie Carter's 10 minute film is presumably loosely based on Count Orlok, the vampire from the 1922 German movie Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror). Nosferatu was loosely based on Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. Find out more about Nosferatu at Brenton Film and the Nosferatu movie website.

I like the idea behind Orloc and the Twilight Goblins. Twilight Goblins sounds like a really cool band. I've been wondering how would a glam rock band fight a seasoned vampire hunter? I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. Hopefully, Orloc's audition goes well, he and the rest of the band defeat the vampire hunter, and Orloc and the Twilight Goblins have a massively successful music career.

After some searching on the internet, it appears Orloc and the Twilight Goblins was originally title Orloc and the Shadows. Orloc and the Twilight Goblins was written and directed by Charles Carter. It was produced by Andrew Newsome.

Campaign Deadline: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 1

Release Date: September 2016


  1. All dates are based on Phobophiliacs' location (CST / CDT in the United States). Please check the crowdfunding website for the correct dates based on your time zone. Back

To find out more about Orloc and the Twilight Goblins, check out:

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